We take it for granted that the federal government has a large role to play in public education, but why? The public has been mostly resistant to large scale projects like common standards, student testing, and school turnarounds. We’ll talk to Neal McCluskey about the potential benefits of localizing public education.

Neal McCluskey is the director of Cato’s Center for Educational Freedom. He is the author of the book Feds in the Classroom: How Big Government Corrupts, Cripples, and Compromises American Education and is co‐​editor of Educational Freedom: Remembering Andrew Coulson, Debating His Ideas and Unprofitable Schooling: Examining Causes of, and Fixes for, America’s Broken Ivory Tower. He also contributed a chapter to libertarianism.org’s Visions of Liberty.

Chris Stewart is the Chief Executive Officer of Education Post, a media project of the Results in Education Foundation. He is a lifelong activist and 20-year supporter of nonprofit and education-related causes. Stewart has served as the director of outreach and external affairs for Education Post, the executive director of the African American Leadership Forum (AALF), and an elected member of the Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education.


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