In the long line of Black education, there is no interruption greater than the bitter 1967 and 1968 teacher strikes in NYC that pitted white teachers versus Black parents and the Black community. Out of that skirmish the modern teachers’ union was born and Black community power in public schooling was defeated.

Sharif El-Mekki joins us for this #FreedomFriday edition of Education is Power to discuss the strike that changed everything.

Watch the full video above and learn more about the famous battle for community control of public schools in Ocean Hill-Brownsville is a historic demarcation point.

Chris Stewart is the Chief Executive Officer of Education Post, a media project of the Results in Education Foundation. He is a lifelong activist and 20-year supporter of nonprofit and education-related causes. Stewart has served as the director of outreach and external affairs for Education Post, the executive director of the African American Leadership Forum (AALF), and an elected member of the Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education.


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